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Archive for the 'Long Live Planet Earth!' Category

Tomorrow Is The Day To Do The Right Thing For Our Country

Posted by Michelle Moquin on 7th November 2016

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Good morning!

It’s a day before the election and at this point, I feel like probably many of you, the voters’ minds are made up over who they are going to vote for. I don’t foresee anyone changing their minds at this point but that doesn’t mean I can’t express mine.

I’ve done a lot of reading and thinking over these past months and my mind is full…actually it feels like it is in overload, overdrive, and overwhelm. It has been the most exhausting election to cover and it won’t be soon enough that I’m sipping on champagne welcoming in Hillary.

As much as I’m betting on her winning, I can’t help but be perplexed over those who for so long couldn’t decide nor see the difference between Trump and Clinton (What planet are they living on?) or be baffled still by those who are voting for Trump. The misogyny, the sexism, the racism, and lewd remarks that spew from his mouth…the predatory assaults on women, not to mention lies, lies, lies. I’ve had enough.

But evidently not everyone feels the way that I or many do. There are men and women still voting for this animal of a man. Men and women who have sons and daughters of their own. Republicans, who claim they are the moral compass of this nation, are voting for Trump. Paul Ryan comes to mind – he has two young sons and a daughter. Sick fuck.

What fucking morality allows a man to grab your daughter’s pussy?

Just what does a father think of his own daughter when he is voting for a man who grabs women by the pussy and thinks nothing of letting another man call his daughter a piece of ass? If Trump thinks of his own daughter as a piece of ass, just what does he think of your daughter? And yet mothers and fathers are still voting for this scumbag. What are they thinking? The logic escapes me.

And what does this say to the millionaire and billionaire men out there? If Trump can take what he wants because of who he is, what other men of his ilk will think and act the same? Hey, if it’s accepted from a presidential candidate, than it’s certainly OK for me too. And just what will he be able to do to women should he become president?  Fuck just the mils and bils, what sick things will go through the minds of any man when a predatory, sexist, LSOS, racist is our president? That thought is just too disturbing.

And the people who don’t think this is disturbing, or that this scum as our president won’t have a ripple effect in our society, all I can say is that is fucked up thinking. Any man who votes for Trump at worst is just looking for an excuse to pander to his misogyny, and at best has no respect for women. And any woman who votes for Trump has no self respect nor a respect for her sisters.

You’ll hear no apologies from me. In my mind there is no reason whatsoever any person should be casting their vote for this despicable display of a man.

Unfortunately, there are many men like Trump, so yes, you can bet their marking his name on the ballot. But women, let me end with this, if this mother fucker doesn’t lose in a landslide I have lost all respect for white women. You can go ahead and smile and say you’ll vote for him, but take your ass into the booth and vote for Hillary. And while you’re there, vote Dems down the line, because any man or woman that is supporting Trump should be voted out. 

Tomorrow is the day to do the right thing for our country…the only thing. Vote for Hillary. 


Readers: Thoughts? Blog me.

Alycedale: Another thing we have in common. :)

Mike, TM: Happy to see you hear again. How are you? Thanks for your added info. After what we have learned about the FBI, and now the recent tweet by Snowden it is crystal clear Comey’s actions were meant to sway this election toward the republicans. I hope you’re doing good.

Uriel: I don’t usually address ignorant comments. But I felt compelled. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about or you wouldn’t make such an ignorant statement, claiming Anonz is a self-serving bil. He is far from it. So Yes, I will love and support this billionaire till the day I die. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met. While most men are just talking mouths, Anonz backs what he says with action, risking his life everyday, thinking only of those he is defending and protecting, always putting their needs first, including his cadre.

Have you seen what the women here have written? They have experienced his love and kindness. We have heard chronicles from many for years of the good he does. Only a few will ever know the extent of such goodness that Anonz has done for this world.

So…now it shouldn’t be beyond you why I support this man.

As far as me “sucking up.” I don’t suck up to anyone. And I have never claimed to be for the little people. I’m for those who do the right thing, regardless of their wealth or lack thereof.

Caroline: Yes he is. Sorry, I know they are your friends, but it’s stupid white women that would vote for Trump just because of this shit that surfaced. Comey and the FBI set out to do something and they got away with it temporarily thanks to Anonz.

Happy Monday, Everyone. Thanks for being here with me. 

Peace & Love. 

Lastly, greed over a great story is surfacing from my “loyal”(?) readers. With all this back and forth about who owns what, that appears on my blog, let me reiterate that all material posted on my blog becomes the sole property of my blog. If you want to reserve any proprietary rights don’t post it to my blog. I will prominently display this caveat on my blog from now on to remind those who may have forgotten this notice.

Gratefully your blog host,


Aka BABE: We all know what this means by now :)

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Or if you would like to send a check via snail mail, please make checks payable to “Michelle Moquin”, and send to:

Michelle Moquin PO Box 29235 San Francisco, Ca. 94129

Thank you for your loyal support!

All content on this site are property of Michelle Moquin © copyright 2008-2016


“Though she be but little, she be fierce.” – William Shakespeare Midsummer Night’s Dream 

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Posted in ChitChat, Health & Well Being, Human Rights and Equality, Long Live Planet Earth!, Political Powwow | 43 Comments »

Some Good News For Standing Rock

Posted by Michelle Moquin on 6th November 2016

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Good morning!

From Common Dreams:

Turning Point at Standing Rock? Resistance and Renewed Hope Against Dakota Access


“Our elders,” said Tom Goldtooth, executive director of the Indigenous Environmental Network, “told us to focus on praying for the federal agencies and the US government and North Dakota to hear what we were doing and saying: we have to protect the sacredness of the water.” (Photo: Sarah van Gelder)

Is this the turning point for the Dakota Access Pipeline? Word spread through the camp on Friday of a discussion between the Army Corps of Engineers and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe that could mean a breakthrough.

“This proves that our prayers are really strong from the Oceti Sakowin camp,” Tom Goldtooth, executive director of the Indigenous Environmental Network told me. “Our elders told us to focus on praying for the federal agencies and the US government and North Dakota to hear what we were doing and saying: we have to protect the sacredness of the water.”

The Standing Rock Sioux tribe [have been told] that no permit would be issued to drill the Dakota Access Pipeline under the Missouri River until 30 days after construction stops.

According to reports from the Indigenous Environmental Network, Colonel John W. Hendersonof the Corps promised the Standing Rock Sioux tribe that no permit would be issued to drill the Dakota Access Pipeline under the Missouri River until 30 days after construction stops. After that, there will be a comment period adequate to allow the tribes full consultation. This could delay pipeline construction under the river by 45 days to three months.

Even more good news for pipeline opponents. President Obama earlier this week commented that his administration would be looking at rerouting the pipeline. A new route would require a new environmental assessment, and this time, the tribes, and others, will insist on a full environmental impact statement – not the questionable environmental assessment used by the Army Corps when it issued the first permit.

Either move could scuttle financing for the pipeline, which depends on work being completed on a certain schedule.

There is no confirmation at this time from the Corps of Engineers nor from the Standing Rock Tribe that the 30-day buffer period will in fact go into effect. Still, there is a sense, now, that there is a possible pathway to a resolution of this months-old conflict.

Meanwhile, ceremony and building continue. A group of clergy came to Standing Rock on Thursday answering the call of Rev. John Floberg, supervising priest of the Episcopal churches. The clergy did a ceremonial burning of the Doctrine of Discovery – the doctrine that has been used as the legal justification for the taking of Native lands. Fourteen clergy were arrested when they went to Bismarck in an attempt to meet and pray with the governor.

And at camp, building and winterizing continue.

I asked Tom Goldtooth what would happen while the water protectors are waiting for a resolution of the permit question.

“What we’re doing now in the camp is responding to the question: How are we going to live through the winter season here. We’re asking our elders, and looking at our oral traditions that teach us how our ancestors survived the harsh winters of the prairie lands.”

There is a plan in the works to build a just transition village, some are calling it an ecovillage. Goldtooth talked of the abundant solar and wind potential in Indian Country, the need for a new economic foundation that end the addiction to oil, the need to use sustainable building materials, and food sovereignty.

“We’re building our power, embracing those original instructions and those teachings that our ancestors left for us that includes language revitalization, looking at where we are going in the next 50-100 years,” he said.

Plans include the building of an Earth Lodge and other sustainable structures. A new geodesic dome just went up in the last days at the Oceti Sakowin camp.

“Sitting Bull, spiritual leader of the Hunkpapa of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, said we should use the tools of the white man and also recognize who we are. I see that as part of the prophesy,” Goldtooth said. “The battle at Oceti Sakowin is deeper than the pipeline. It’s about how we are to redefine our leadership and how we rebuild community and how we love and have compassion for each other and Mother Earth and all the people who come to support — that’s what all this means.”


Readers: Thank you, President Obama!

What’s on your mind?

Blog me. 

Oh, before I take off to enjoy my Sunday, I received a personal call from Anonz. He told me that he didn’t add in the “z” because he wanted to see if I knew it was him…if I recognized his input. I started laughing and told him, of course I did, but I didn’t say anything because I was waiting for his phone call. I see a few readers (That’s a nod to you Dziko, and Alycedale.) recognized his way of writing. Did anyone else recognize him?

During the conversation Anonz mentioned that he had suggested when Comey made the comment, that somebody should call attention to Comey’s violation of the Hatch Act. And by suggesting, he said he meant he wanted someone with the proper credentials to take a forceful stand against powerful government departments like the DOJ, the FBI, and national security agencies, from involving themselves in America’s political affairs, especially concerning running for the office of POTUS.  So he had pulled in a few favors from both sides of the political spectrum in order to get someone to take a stand.

I agree with Anonz because it is my belief too that the justice department, the FBI, and other agencies should stay out of the political arena.  These agencies have too much power when it comes to surveillance and the ability to charge someone with an crime. Those powers wield enormous influence upon a citizen’s choice. It is my belief that is the very purpose of the Hatch Act. It keeps powerful departments of government out of the political selection of those who would control those departments, the citizens we select as our representatives.

It seems someone took him up on it.

Happy Sunday!

Peace & Love


Lastly, greed over a great story is surfacing from my “loyal”(?) readers. With all this back and forth about who owns what, that appears on my blog, let me reiterate that all material posted on my blog becomes the sole property of my blog. If you want to reserve any proprietary rights don’t post it to my blog. I will prominently display this caveat on my blog from now on to remind those who may have forgotten this notice.

Gratefully your blog host,


Aka BABE: We all know what this means by now :)

If you love my blog and my writes, please make a donation via PayPal, credit card, or e-check, please click the “Donate” button below. (Please only donations from those readers within the United States. – International readers please see my “Donate” page)

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Michelle Moquin PO Box 29235 San Francisco, Ca. 94129

Thank you for your loyal support!

All content on this site are property of Michelle Moquin © copyright 2008-2016


“Though she be but little, she be fierce.” – William Shakespeare Midsummer Night’s Dream 

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Posted in Health & Well Being, Human Rights and Equality, Long Live Planet Earth!, Political Powwow, Travel | 36 Comments »

President Obama, They Shoot Horses And Teenage Boys On The Dakota Access Pipeline

Posted by Michelle Moquin on 1st November 2016

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Good morning.

We’re getting down to the last days of the presidential election. With so much to be concerned about my thoughts are rambling from all that I’m reading. The focus is obviously on the election but what about what others are fighting for? My thoughts ran to our indigenous peoples as they fight for their land again, against the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

I know president Obama has got a lot on his plate now. The future of our country is being threatened and he needs to do all he can to ensure that Hillary wins with coattails. I get that. But I sure wish he could take a moment and reach out to the people of the Sioux Nation.

My heart aches for them as I read their stories. Probably the last thing on their minds is this election, as they protect and protest daily for the preservation of their water, for their family, friends, and their future.

Here’s the write from the Huff Po:

President Obama, They Shoot Horses And Teenage Boys On The Dakota Access Pipeline

On a beautiful sunny day in June, 2014 President Barack Obama came to the banks of the Cannonball River on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. June is the month of the Strawberry Moon and celebrates the first harvest of wild fruit. The occasion was Cannonball Flag day and Native Americans from Standing Rock and the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservations turned out to welcome the President. For one day the hills and buttes and prairies of North and South Dakota were the center of rare media attention, and the people who welcomed the President into their homes and hearts were ecstatic. Michelle Obama was with him, babies were thrust into their arms for photo ops, children danced, and a powwow sealed good will and belief in the promises Obama made to the Sioux nation.

The Washington Post reported that stories of Native children made the president cry in the oval office.

“I love these young people,” Obama said shortly after meeting them. “I only spent an hour with them. They feel like my own.”


It is a little over two years later and these people whom the president claimed as his own are being arrested on minor charges by a seemingly omnipotent Sheriff in Morton County. They are herded into dog kennels at Fort Rice and the insides of their arms are marked with a number in black ink. Women suffer broken bones from batons wielded by police officers and deputies. Memories of others wearing brown shirts in 1939 Germany, who also marked people with black ink, cause fear and apprehension.

Screen Shot 2016-10-31 at 10.15.51 PM

There is testimony that cannot be erased or hidden. Listen to this interview with a young prayer warrior, Trenton Casillas-Bakeberg, who was ripped out of ceremony, arrested, and put in a dog kennel at the jail in Mandan, ND.

The officials of North Dakota have decided that the people of the Sioux Nation who stand against the DAPL are beneath them. In the early days of this historical event I overheard one man say, “they do not think we are human.” It is a faded sentence scribbled in a notebook filled with tales of atrocity and stories of prayer.

How do you feel when you watch this Mr. Obama? Do the words of Floris White Bull recalling the traumatic experiences of people violently removed from camp and being caged in dog kennels move you in any way? Does it occur to you to call Attorney General Loretta Lynch into your office and demand that she look into this? Did your staff include the LA Times article in your morning briefing?

Did you cry when you heard a young rider was shot off his beautiful bay quarter horse by more than one of those “non-lethal” rubber bullets?

Members of the horse nation herded around 100 buffalo from the west and southwest of the Cannonball Ranch onto the DAPL easement. One rider was reportedly hit with up to four rubber bullets his horse was reported to be hit in the legs by live rounds. Another horse was shot and did not survive.


Before the bullets flew. This horse died. Submitted by Debi Williams

Here is a Crow Creek Spirit rider being chased down by DAPL security last Thursday. “You can see the courage and strength both riders and horses have! They escaped and made it home safely,” says Greg Grey Cloud. One buckskin horse made it back to camp and his human with a tranquilizer dart stuck in his flank, says Grey Cloud in a video posted on his Facebook page. The horse came back with all of its tack missing.


Photo Courtesy Greg Grey Cloud

Did anyone tell you that one horse died? They do shoot horses in North Dakota, Mr. President.

Did Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier inform you, Mr. President, you who held babies in your arms at Standing Rock, that these are “non-lethal” rubber bullets? In fact in a PubMed article, “Death Following Rubber Bullet Wounds to the Chest,” a different story emerges.

Despite the fact that it (rubber bullet) was designed to be safer than live ammunition, several cases of fatalities have been reported from its use. Most of these fatalities were because of abuse of the weapon in terms of range of fire and anatomical area of the body targeted. This is a case report of such a fatality following shotgun rubber bullet injury, including the circumstance surrounding this unusual occurrence, the autopsy findings and reports of the ballistic analysis. Four projectiles penetrated the right chest lodging in the right lung and injuring the right pulmonary artery, causing death. The mechanism of death in this case is rapid massive pulmonary hemorrhage.

Forensic Science presents a case study of the death of a 60-year-old man who was shot using rubber projectiles that were fired by a police officer from a Mossberg smooth-bore shotgun in an enclosed space from a distance of a few meters. “The post-mortem examination revealed that death had been due to gunshot wounds in the chest which had caused heart and lung damage with subsequent massive internal hemorrhaging.”

President Obama, you will not find this information in the daily flood of press releases from Sheriff Kirchmeier that read like tales from an alternate universe.

Would you cry if you were on site to witness what is really happening, Mr. President?

In twist of fate, the actions of the young riders on horseback led to an outcome that was spiritually uplifting to thousands of people around the world. The riders opened a fence just east of the new “Treaty” camp, allowing the buffalo to run free across the hills and plains just as police and military forces were surrounding the camp. Water protectors established a spiritual campsite while declaring “Indigenous Eminent Domain” at the yawning mouth of the pipeline. The cheers and singing echoed the ceremonies of the ancestors as stunned police and protectors alike watched the buffalo run down what is now named “Buffalo Hill.”

This action of Tatanka, no matter what the genesis, came at the exact time that peaceful water protectors were being dragged from the sweat lodge and slammed into the ground by pumped-up deputies. The sacred buffalo altar was rescued from the red spray paint wielded by the out-of-control and rioting police. In effect, deputies were defacing sacred places of worship. This story will be passed down through generations, providing hope and the knowledge that the animals will come to protect the people even if you will not, Mr. President.


Courtesy Standing Rock Rising

Did you know, Mr. President that a DAPL private security guard was spotted among the water protectors with an automatic rifle heading towards camp? How was he recognized? There are no weapons of any kind allowed at the Oceti Sakowin camp. Bureau of Indian Affairs police arrived on the scene and apprehended him. The man is now in FBI custody after being turned over by the BIA. Morton County Sheriff’s Department retracted its statement of the DAPL security person rushing towards Standing Rock camp with the AR-15 “being treated for a gunshot wound to his hand” after this photo evidence emerged.

There is good reason to hold you accountable, Mr.President.

The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Chairman Harold Frazier met with you last week in California.

He is expressing outrage at reported violations of his people’s civil liberties, which came just two days after you, Mr. Obama, assured him during a face to face meeting that federal monitors were in place to prevent such actions.

Chairman Frazier is now asking that the United Nations intervene. “The U.S. government promised to protect us through treaties, but they have failed us. That’s why we are asking the United Nations to send troops to protect our people from the brutalities inflicted on our people by State police and the National Guard.” He added, “Native Nations originally came into the United State through treaties and if the United States is not going to honor these treaties the Native Nations need to call on the United Nations for assistance.”

If you love these people as your own, Mr. President, please do something. Actions matter more than words or tears embedded in a press release.


This was just posted by Standing Rock Rising

In the first 15 seconds, you can see a spirit rider holding the line, and keeping distance between water protectors and police. You will then see the water protector shot off his horse at point blank range with rubber bullets, and then his horse shot at point blank range. The next couple minutes are the commotion afterwards. There was no reason to shoot this brave water protector and his horse, as they were not threatening MCSD or military in any way.

Click here to watch the video.


Readers: I read that a Facebook friend was headed there in support. I applauded him for leaving the madness of the media here to support his brothers and sisters there. (If you’re reading this, thank you.) The people of the Sioux Nation are without arms protesting peacefully, and are being treated like animals, tagged, numbered, and put in dog kennels. Truly sickening.

If we don’t stand up for our neighbors who are fighting for their lives, who will stand up for us when we are fighting for ours? I can’t physically go but my spirit stands strong with the Sioux Nation in support. And I will do whatever I can on my blog in support.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween. Thanks for the compliments. In light of this election, I felt girl power needed to be expressed in a badassery way, and Batgirl for Halloween was my way of doing it. The costume is gone but this badass bitch remains.

Thoughts? Ideas? What’s on your mind?

Blog me.

Charles: Bummer. It’s too bad your friends aren’t as smart as you.

Kali: That is so awesome. Thank you! Happy it all worked out and you had some fun. You’re already Badass, but yes, donning a Batgirl costume definitely gives the badass some added attitude. :)

Thomas, King: I’ve heard and read a bit, and I ask the same question. Why is this not on the news? Perhaps I need to blog about it. Thanks.


pink ribbonPeace & Love & Good Health

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Multi-media journalists face jail time after reporting on North Dakota pipeline protest

Posted by Michelle Moquin on 17th October 2016

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Good Monday morning.

Multi-media journalists face jail time after reporting on North Dakota pipeline protest


Investigative reporter and co-founder of Democracy Now!, Amy Goodman, is now facing riot charges in the state of North Dakota after her report on a Native American-led pipeline protest there went viral on Facebook.

Democracy Now! issued a statement about the new charges against Goodman late Saturday.

The news organization, which spun out of WBAI-FM, creates programming which is syndicated via radio, podcasts, cable television, public access television, live streams and Web downloads.

Goodman’s story, posted to Facebook on September 4th, has been viewed more than 14 million times on the social media platform, Democracy Now! said, and was picked up by mainstream media outlets and networks including CBS, NBC, NPR, CNN, MSNBC and The Huffington Post (a site owned by TechCrunch’s parent company Verizon).

Additionally, documentary filmmaker Deia Schlosberg, is facing felony and conspiracy charges that could carry a 45-year sentence for filming at the protest, IndieWire reports.

Edward Snowden noted Schlosberg’s predicament on Friday with a tweet that said, “This reporter is being prosecuted for covering the North Dakota oil protests. For reference, I face a mere 30 years.”

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Authorities released Schlosberg, who also runs a production studio called Pale Blue Dot Media, after originally detaining her but they confiscated her footage and refused to release it according to public tweets from Josh Fox, a fellow filmmaker.

For those unfamiliar with the pipeline protests, the Standing Rock Sioux are seeking to halt the construction of a $3.8 billion pipeline saying its development will encroach on their tribal burial sites and taint their water supply at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

The demonstrations in North Dakota have been ongoing for months. Native American advocates and environmentalists have protested the pipeline’s development in other cities and states, as well.

On October 10th, witnesses at a rally in Reno, Nevada captured footage of a pickup truck plowing into a group of activists protesting the pipeline’s development, and calling for Columbus Day to be changed to Indigenous Peoples’ Day in their state.

Several posted their footage and thoughts about the apparent attack on Facebook as well. The Reno incident injured five and sent one to the hospital. The rally was organized by the American Indian Movement of Northern Nevada (AIMNN).

It remains to be seen whether the charges against Goodman, Schlosberg and other journalists covering the Standing Rock protests against the Dakota Access pipeline will stick.

But these cases highlight the increasing power, and risks, associated with online distribution for news stories covered by independents, and earlier missed by mainstream networks. Virality and independence, it seems, can attract prosecutorial ire.


Readers: These people should be protected by the First Amendment. It is not a crime to report what is happening. These reporters were simply doing their jobs, documenting protests, exercising their First Amendment rights. Goodman was not rioting – she was there documenting what was happening – again doing her job.

How can this woman, a reporter, Deia get 45 year sentence when Snowden is only facing 30? Really? The freedom of the press is a fundamental right in our free society. This is so unjust. In my opinion, this is absolutely crazy, and something everyone should be concerned about when it comes to our freedoms.

Is this surprising that this is happening to two women?

I had technical difficulties this morning and I  am running late so please pick up where I am leaving off and support our reporters in their right to do their jobs so that all of us can be informed.  I signed the petition, I HOPE you will too. Thanks to Josh Fox, her associate, for his support in getting the charges against Schlosberg dropped. Need more info? Click here.

Beverly: Woo hoo! Thank you. Take your friends with you too. No one should believe that their vote doesn’t count.

Zen Lill: Happy Belated Birthday! Happy to hear you enjoyed yourself.

Nora: You and me both. It is so much more than just getting Hillary in. We need the Senate too. We can’t celebrate yet – this is no shoo-in. Encourage all you know to go vote. I wold love to have the House too.

Got to run…

Peace out. 

Lastly, greed over a great story is surfacing from my “loyal”(?) readers. With all this back and forth about who owns what, that appears on my blog, let me reiterate that all material posted on my blog becomes the sole property of my blog. If you want to reserve any proprietary rights don’t post it to my blog. I will prominently display this caveat on my blog from now on to remind those who may have forgotten this notice.

Gratefully your blog host,

michelle Aka BABE: We all know what this means by now :)

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Give Obama A Good Sendoff…

Posted by Michelle Moquin on 16th October 2016

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And welcome Hillary in!

Good morning!

Readers: What more is there left to say except……………………………………… “GO VOTE!”

Thoughts? Blog me.

Happy Sunday!

Peace out.

Lastly, greed over a great story is surfacing from my “loyal”(?) readers. With all this back and forth about who owns what, that appears on my blog, let me reiterate that all material posted on my blog becomes the sole property of my blog. If you want to reserve any proprietary rights don’t post it to my blog. I will prominently display this caveat on my blog from now on to remind those who may have forgotten this notice.

Gratefully your blog host,


Aka BABE: We all know what this means by now :)

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Posted in Good Reads and Good See'ds, Health & Well Being, Human Rights and Equality, Long Live Planet Earth!, Political Powwow | 36 Comments »